Apr 5Liked by Lou Tamposi

I can't believe all you missed out on all this as a child. Who knew? And so many steps to grow one little cherry tomato or pepper. I don't think I had the patience. I was too busy picking up Lego pieces.

But I am so excited for you and all, and cannot wait to share in the radical bounty this summer.

Lastly, as it happens, I do have a ham shank and I will be able to make ham soup this weekend. You gave me an excellent idea, and fortunately Jem would rather consume a tub of butter than a ham bone--although she has not had the opportunity to discover one. exists in the house yet. I take it back--I am going to have to be very careful!

I love you, and Happy Friday...and Happy Every Day!

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Yes, you remember correctly. Those plants were still there rotted away when we sold the house!

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